Friday, November 2, 2012


I don't know why I'm tired, considering that I had a four day weekend with Hurricane Sandy over here, but I am so glad that it's Friday. The weekend is something I always look forward to and I always tell myself that it's the perfect time to get my stuff together and organize my course materials for the following week.

Does that actually happen? Of course not.

Friday I work three of my four jobs on campus and by midnight all I want to do is watch Family Guy and call it a night. Saturday is my "me" day. I usually just go to the mall with my friends and then hang out until the wee hours talking about nonsense things and enjoying our youth. Then comes Sunday and I have meetings after meeting after meetings and, of course, have to get my reading done that I should have started that Friday night; but we already talked about that.

Although, I may regret my procrastination (I should really work on that), the weekend is definitely something I need in order to recharge my batteries. If I didn't have those days to not think about scholarly work, I think my brain would melt.

I just wasn't trained like that.

I can't spend forever doing school work. I need breaks to enjoy my time at college. I'm a Junior now and next year will be my last year in college. I want to spend time with the amazing people I've met throughout my time here before we all go our separate ways.

So I am going to take a step back from my planner and just go with the least for these two days.

What are your plans for the weekend?

Here's a little something to amuse you. Enjoy!

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