Sunday, September 2, 2012

First Day of Classes and Whatnot

Last Thursday marked the beginning of the semester for me at my school. I have to say, that week was magical. This is the first time in two years (I'm a junior now) that I can finally enjoy my Thursdays and Fridays. Usually I have 9am classes where it kind of makes it hard to spend time with my friends into the wee hours of the morning; especially if I have to sit through a lecture the following day without  falling asleep.

I have had to deal with party noises outside my dorm when I was studying for a test and although my school isn't a huge party scene like other universities (thank god), it can still get pretty annoying when you keep hearing screaming. I'm not going to lie, there have more times than I can remember when I wanted to throttle them all in the head until they got the hint that they are not the only people in the whole campus.

With that being said, I'm pretty sure now you can understand why I am officially satisfied with my schedule this semester. Yes, I still have classes on those days, but it's only one on Thursdays at 11:50am and Fridays at 2:45. I will be forced to get up and make something useful with my day, but not too early where I end up feeling like a zombie.

Now back to the magical part of my week. That is the reason why I wanted to share with you all about that day. Although the semester has barely started, my Friday class was canceled and thus I was able to go to the beach with my friends to enjoy the last few days of the summer. I haven't been to the beach in about 10 years, so going with my friends was not only nice, but memorable; considering that one of my closest friends was going abroad for a whole year and I will be without her for my Junior year. It was a nice last hoorah before the first full week of classes started and we got to see her off at the train station for her to fly out.

Aren't these pictures amazing!

It was sad to say good-bye, but it was still nice to at least spend the last few days with her and other friends and enjoy each others' shenanigans.

And now, I venture off into the beginning of the first full week of classes and try to make my little friend proud of me....and to take many, many pictures for her while I'm at it.

Till next time....

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